Życzenia urodzinowe po angielsku

Świat staje się coraz mniejszy, a języka angielskiego używa coraz więcej ludzi. Zapewne wielokrotnie spotkałeś się z problemem, gdy musiałeś złożyć życzenia znajomym używającym tego języka i nie wiedziałeś jak to zrobić? Potrafimy rozwiązać Twój problem. Wejdź na naszą stronę i skorzystaj z gotowych życzeń urodzinowych po angielsku.

Celebrate your birthday today. Celebrate being Happy every day.


Being young is a privilege. Being attractive a genetic gift. Being cool, that is all you. Happy Birthday.


A cheerful friend like you is like a sunny day. Happy Birthday.


Wishing you metric tons of happiness on your birthday. Enjoy it.


I Hope You Have An Amazing Day Because You Are Amazing! Thinking of you on your birthday, and wishing you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, you deserve the best and nothing less.


Live today like it is a special gift, because it is the best birthday gift. Happy Birthday

You have a birthday twinkle in your eye so have fun and know we love you fairy, fairy much. Happy Birthday.


May life’s brightest joys illuminate your path, and may each day’s journey bring you closer to your dreams! HAPPY BIRTHDAY


Happy Birthday. Wishing you more glorious and wonderful years on the surface of the earth – or wherever you might be.


Happy Birthday. Hope it’s one of the best ever! A lovely birthday for a lovely person!


You don’t have to grow up, you don’t have to grow old, just have a Happy Birthday


Wishing you health, love, wealth, happiness and just everything your heart desires. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday. I wish you well and I hope all you birthday wishes come true!


On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Things I like about you: humor, looks, everything. Happy Birthday.


Hope your birthday is totally cool, really funtastic, wonderful, exciting, majorly awesome, rocking and HAPPY. Happy Birthday wishes.


They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say „forget about the past” and live life to the fullest today. Start with ice cream. Happy Birthday.


I wish you all the happiness in the world! Happy Birthday!

I wish you the best birthday ever! I hope you get lots of kisses and hugs. Happy Birthday!


Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness. Happy Birthday.


Party early and often. Remember that it only counts as one year no matter how many times you celebrate. Happy Birthday.


Eat, drink and make merry because it is your birthday. Happy Birthday.


Wishing you love and happiness on your birthday. Happy Birthday


Watch out world. You are old enough to know what to do and how to do it. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday! I hope this is the begining of the greatest year ever so far for you!


Happy Birthday. I hope that you will have a truly marvelous and joyous day with family and friends.

When I paint my masterpiece, I am pretty sure there will be a spot for you. Happy Birthday.

May you always get what you ask for, but you may you always the right things. Happy Birthday. Oh, I didn’t get you anything.

Enjoy your birthday and every day to the fullest. A Happy Birthday is just part of a Happy Life.

It doesn?t matter where you are or what you are doing, what matters is who you are. I like who you are. Happy Birthday.

You are only as old as you feel… Want to feel young tonight? Happy Birthday.

Today is not the end of another year, but the start of a new one. Happy Birthday.

I wish you a wonderful Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day and lots of fun! Enjoy this day, you deserve it!

On this your birthday may you be filled with laughter, joy and peace with your family and close friends, content in all life brings.

Party hard – this is YOUR day, and only yours! Happy Birthday!

I hope you have the best Birthday ever. You are such a sweet person and I wish nothing but the best for you on your special day.

Always smile and laugh, and never never give up. You make us all happier. Especially on your birthday.

Have an amazing birthday. It only comes one day a year so do something to make it memorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY

They say sometimes its hard to understand, but time tells truth. The truth is that I wish you a very happy birthday.

You will never be as young again as you are today, so have fun. But be careful, because you have never been this old before. Happy Birthday.

I wish you good health and more years to celebrate. Happy Birthday.

You aren’t getting older, you are getting better. Happy Birthday.

You always have such fun birthdays. You should have one every year! Happy Birthday

On that winding road that is life, you are the one I want to ride along with. Happy Birthday!

You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. Happy Birthday.

Like the song says: Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten. Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday to my dear BFF! Our friendship means more than words can say.

I hope you have a wonderful day full of happiness and that your wishes come true! Happy Birthday!

You have been the greatest gift I could ever have received. Happy Birthday.

May all your wishes come true but one, so you always have something to strive for. Happy Birthday!

Just when the caterpillar thinks that it is all grown up, it becomes a butterfly. Happy Birthday Butterfly.

You are celebrating your birthday but the rest of us are celebrating the anniversary of you arriving in the world and making it a better, happier place for us. Happy Birthday.


I hope you enjoy your day today and u spend it with the ones you love! I hope you get everything you asked for! Have a fun time don’t let anyone ruin it! Happy Birthday!


Today’s birthday is one of mind over matter: If you don’t mind your age, it doesn’t matter. Happy Birthday.

Hope you have wonderful birthday filled with fun, excitement and joy. Happy Birthday.

The candles on your cake won’t start a fire if you don’t light them, but that isn’t what candles are for. Keep lighting up the world on your birthday.

Happy birthday! You are only young once so enjoy it to the fullest. Time passes way too fast and you don’t get these years back.

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, may you have a life full of love and joy, and a blessed life.

Thank you for being a wonderful person and an inspiration. Happy Birthday!

I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and I truly hope that you enjoy it to the fullest.


Today is your birthday! Well, if that isn’t the frosting on the cake!


Happy Birthday, my wonderful friend! You’ve accomplished so much in such a short time. Hope this year is the best yet.


You bring a bit of sunshine and happiness to all those around you. Happy Birthday.


I hope today is a Happy Birthday, a happy today and the start of a happy forever.


Celebrate your birthday, go have lots of fun, everybody should enjoy it and have tons of fun. Happy Birthday.

Wishing you more fun than a monkey in a tree full of fruit – like it is really possible to be happier than that lucky guy. Happy Birthday.

May you have a fantastic birthday with many more to come… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Work hard. Play hard. Eat lots of cake. That’s a good motto for your birthday and for life.

For your birthday I thought that i would give you some good advice, but then I remembered that you have a lot more experience on getting older than me.


Happy birthday and much more life, love, and happiness to come!

Live your life sharing the beauty and happiness that you have today and every day. Happy Birthday.

Keep working hard, but not TOO hard or you’ll make yourself sick! Happy Birthday!

Your sweet nature and generous heart are part of what makes you a very special person to me and so many others. I want to wish you a fantastic birthday and a year of pure happiness.


Reach for the stars. You can do it. Happy Birthday.


Keep being awesome, and always take care. Happy Birthday!


May all of your wishes come true – today and always. Happy Birthday.


Who’s going to celebrate a birthday? You’re gonna celebrate. Who’s going to blow out the candles? You’re going to blow out the candles. Who’s going to have fun? You’re going to have fun. Happy Birthday.


Words can’t say how much happiness we wish for you. Happy Birthday.


Another year has passed but rather than count the years, let me just say how much we count on you. Happy Birthday.


The years come and go, but they do accumulate. Happy Birthday.


Enjoy today and make it your own – it is your day to shine! Happy Birthday.


Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile. Happy Birthday.


Roses are red, Violets are blue, All I want to say is Happy Birthday to You!


Pause and make your soul glad on your birthday!

I decided not to celebrate your birthday again until I see you. You have not gotten any older in my mind despite the number of birthdays that you have had and that seems odd. You of course may make your own decision.

It’s your day, celebrate you! Make this the best day of the rest of your life.


It is okay to get wild and crazy on your birthday if there is no evidence left behind. So make sure to clean up well.


I hope you have a great day to spend with your family and have a day just for yourself because you deserve it! You’re a very special person – and don’t let anyone tell you you’re not


Good things happen when you just go for it. Happy Birthday.


Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and laughter. Happy Birthday.


May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires. Happy Birthday.


Birthday greetings to you fellow Earthling. This birthday message comes from your spacey friend. I hope that your birthday is out of this world.


If birthdays were wishes, yours would have all have come true – since you have had so many. Happy Birthday one more time.


You are the one person I believe when you tell me everything will work out in this crazy life. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday, my great friend! Be proud of the wonderful life you’ve led so far and look forward to all the adventures yet to come your way.


I hope that your birthday is great, cause it is a good reason to celebrate.


Best birthday wishes ever, yeah that is my birthday wish for you.


It is a great day to smile and be happy. The kind of Happy in Happy Birthday.


Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest. Happy Birthday.


How can I put in words the feeling of happiness and warmth that you give me without even knowing. Happy Birthday.


Happy birthday to you! I hope your day and year are filled with love and surprises.


If you can’t wait until tomorrow because you get better looking every day, then I can’t wait until next year! Happy trip around the sun!


I hope that you have a very happy birthday and here’s to continued success, growth & learning!


Happy Birthday. Continue climbing to greater heights. You are a star!


I wish you the happiest birthday ever and I hope you spend it with your family and friends! 🙂


Party like a ROCK STAR on your birthday. You are no 1-Hit-Wonder but a superstar every day.


Happy birthday. Wish you a wonderful year ahead as well as lots of love and happiness.


Life is good and you are one of the big reasons why. Enjoy your birthday this year and for the next 100 years and a day.


Life is great at any age. Enjoy yours. Happy Birthday.


Wishing you happiness to your heart’s content and may your dreams all come true. Happy Birthday.


Happy birthday! You are only young once so enjoy it to the fullest. Time passes way to fast and you don’t get these years back.


Happy birthday! I hope you have the best bday! Be happy and keep that beautiful smile you have.




Today it’s the time to say; I hope you have the greatest day! So have a very nice birthday!


On your birthday, there are many people who think of you, I wanted to let you know that I am one of them.


For your birthday I wish you a lot of joy and happiness because you give that to everyone around you day after day Happy birthday!


If you think that you are getting old don’t worry next year you will be older… Happy birthday!


Of all the words that exist to celebrate your birthday I chose the most important Quite simply, Happy Birthday!

Celebrate your birthday today. Celebrate being Happy every day.


Being young is a privilege. Being attractive a genetic gift. Being cool, that is all you. Happy Birthday.


A cheerful friend like you is like a sunny day. Happy Birthday.


Wishing you metric tons of happiness on your birthday. Enjoy it.


I Hope You Have An Amazing Day Because You Are Amazing! Thinking of you on your birthday, and wishing you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, you deserve the best and nothing less.


Live today like it is a special gift, because it is the best birthday gift. Happy Birthday

You have a birthday twinkle in your eye so have fun and know we love you fairy, fairy much. Happy Birthday.


May life’s brightest joys illuminate your path, and may each day’s journey bring you closer to your dreams! HAPPY BIRTHDAY


Happy Birthday. Wishing you more glorious and wonderful years on the surface of the earth – or wherever you might be.


Happy Birthday. Hope it’s one of the best ever! A lovely birthday for a lovely person!


You don’t have to grow up, you don’t have to grow old, just have a Happy Birthday


Wishing you health, love, wealth, happiness and just everything your heart desires. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday. I wish you well and I hope all you birthday wishes come true!


On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Things I like about you: humor, looks, everything. Happy Birthday.


Hope your birthday is totally cool, really funtastic, wonderful, exciting, majorly awesome, rocking and HAPPY. Happy Birthday wishes.


They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say „forget about the past” and live life to the fullest today. Start with ice cream. Happy Birthday.


I wish you all the happiness in the world! Happy Birthday!

I wish you the best birthday ever! I hope you get lots of kisses and hugs. Happy Birthday!


Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness. Happy Birthday.


Party early and often. Remember that it only counts as one year no matter how many times you celebrate. Happy Birthday.


Eat, drink and make merry because it is your birthday. Happy Birthday.


Wishing you love and happiness on your birthday. Happy Birthday


Watch out world. You are old enough to know what to do and how to do it. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday! I hope this is the begining of the greatest year ever so far for you!


Happy Birthday. I hope that you will have a truly marvelous and joyous day with family and friends.

When I paint my masterpiece, I am pretty sure there will be a spot for you. Happy Birthday.

May you always get what you ask for, but you may you always the right things. Happy Birthday. Oh, I didn’t get you anything.

Enjoy your birthday and every day to the fullest. A Happy Birthday is just part of a Happy Life.

It doesn?t matter where you are or what you are doing, what matters is who you are. I like who you are. Happy Birthday.

You are only as old as you feel… Want to feel young tonight? Happy Birthday.

Today is not the end of another year, but the start of a new one. Happy Birthday.

I wish you a wonderful Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day and lots of fun! Enjoy this day, you deserve it!

On this your birthday may you be filled with laughter, joy and peace with your family and close friends, content in all life brings.

Party hard – this is YOUR day, and only yours! Happy Birthday!

I hope you have the best Birthday ever. You are such a sweet person and I wish nothing but the best for you on your special day.

Always smile and laugh, and never never give up. You make us all happier. Especially on your birthday.

Have an amazing birthday. It only comes one day a year so do something to make it memorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY

They say sometimes its hard to understand, but time tells truth. The truth is that I wish you a very happy birthday.

You will never be as young again as you are today, so have fun. But be careful, because you have never been this old before. Happy Birthday.

I wish you good health and more years to celebrate. Happy Birthday.

You aren’t getting older, you are getting better. Happy Birthday.

You always have such fun birthdays. You should have one every year! Happy Birthday

On that winding road that is life, you are the one I want to ride along with. Happy Birthday!

You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. Happy Birthday.

Like the song says: Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten. Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday to my dear BFF! Our friendship means more than words can say.

I hope you have a wonderful day full of happiness and that your wishes come true! Happy Birthday!

You have been the greatest gift I could ever have received. Happy Birthday.

May all your wishes come true but one, so you always have something to strive for. Happy Birthday!

Just when the caterpillar thinks that it is all grown up, it becomes a butterfly. Happy Birthday Butterfly.

You are celebrating your birthday but the rest of us are celebrating the anniversary of you arriving in the world and making it a better, happier place for us. Happy Birthday.


I hope you enjoy your day today and u spend it with the ones you love! I hope you get everything you asked for! Have a fun time don’t let anyone ruin it! Happy Birthday!


Today’s birthday is one of mind over matter: If you don’t mind your age, it doesn’t matter. Happy Birthday.

Hope you have wonderful birthday filled with fun, excitement and joy. Happy Birthday.

The candles on your cake won’t start a fire if you don’t light them, but that isn’t what candles are for. Keep lighting up the world on your birthday.

Happy birthday! You are only young once so enjoy it to the fullest. Time passes way too fast and you don’t get these years back.

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, may you have a life full of love and joy, and a blessed life.

Thank you for being a wonderful person and an inspiration. Happy Birthday!

I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and I truly hope that you enjoy it to the fullest.


Today is your birthday! Well, if that isn’t the frosting on the cake!


Happy Birthday, my wonderful friend! You’ve accomplished so much in such a short time. Hope this year is the best yet.


You bring a bit of sunshine and happiness to all those around you. Happy Birthday.


I hope today is a Happy Birthday, a happy today and the start of a happy forever.


Celebrate your birthday, go have lots of fun, everybody should enjoy it and have tons of fun. Happy Birthday.

Wishing you more fun than a monkey in a tree full of fruit – like it is really possible to be happier than that lucky guy. Happy Birthday.

May you have a fantastic birthday with many more to come… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Work hard. Play hard. Eat lots of cake. That’s a good motto for your birthday and for life.

For your birthday I thought that i would give you some good advice, but then I remembered that you have a lot more experience on getting older than me.


Happy birthday and much more life, love, and happiness to come!

Live your life sharing the beauty and happiness that you have today and every day. Happy Birthday.

Keep working hard, but not TOO hard or you’ll make yourself sick! Happy Birthday!

Your sweet nature and generous heart are part of what makes you a very special person to me and so many others. I want to wish you a fantastic birthday and a year of pure happiness.


Reach for the stars. You can do it. Happy Birthday.


Keep being awesome, and always take care. Happy Birthday!


May all of your wishes come true – today and always. Happy Birthday.


Who’s going to celebrate a birthday? You’re gonna celebrate. Who’s going to blow out the candles? You’re going to blow out the candles. Who’s going to have fun? You’re going to have fun. Happy Birthday.


Words can’t say how much happiness we wish for you. Happy Birthday.


Another year has passed but rather than count the years, let me just say how much we count on you. Happy Birthday.


The years come and go, but they do accumulate. Happy Birthday.


Enjoy today and make it your own – it is your day to shine! Happy Birthday.


Life is a journey. Enjoy every mile. Happy Birthday.


Roses are red, Violets are blue, All I want to say is Happy Birthday to You!


Pause and make your soul glad on your birthday!

I decided not to celebrate your birthday again until I see you. You have not gotten any older in my mind despite the number of birthdays that you have had and that seems odd. You of course may make your own decision.

It’s your day, celebrate you! Make this the best day of the rest of your life.


It is okay to get wild and crazy on your birthday if there is no evidence left behind. So make sure to clean up well.


I hope you have a great day to spend with your family and have a day just for yourself because you deserve it! You’re a very special person – and don’t let anyone tell you you’re not


Good things happen when you just go for it. Happy Birthday.


Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and laughter. Happy Birthday.


May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires. Happy Birthday.


Birthday greetings to you fellow Earthling. This birthday message comes from your spacey friend. I hope that your birthday is out of this world.


If birthdays were wishes, yours would have all have come true – since you have had so many. Happy Birthday one more time.


You are the one person I believe when you tell me everything will work out in this crazy life. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday, my great friend! Be proud of the wonderful life you’ve led so far and look forward to all the adventures yet to come your way.


I hope that your birthday is great, cause it is a good reason to celebrate.


Best birthday wishes ever, yeah that is my birthday wish for you.


It is a great day to smile and be happy. The kind of Happy in Happy Birthday.


Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest. Happy Birthday.


How can I put in words the feeling of happiness and warmth that you give me without even knowing. Happy Birthday.


Happy birthday to you! I hope your day and year are filled with love and surprises.


If you can’t wait until tomorrow because you get better looking every day, then I can’t wait until next year! Happy trip around the sun!


I hope that you have a very happy birthday and here’s to continued success, growth & learning!


Happy Birthday. Continue climbing to greater heights. You are a star!


I wish you the happiest birthday ever and I hope you spend it with your family and friends! 🙂


Party like a ROCK STAR on your birthday. You are no 1-Hit-Wonder but a superstar every day.


Happy birthday. Wish you a wonderful year ahead as well as lots of love and happiness.


Life is good and you are one of the big reasons why. Enjoy your birthday this year and for the next 100 years and a day.


Life is great at any age. Enjoy yours. Happy Birthday.


Wishing you happiness to your heart’s content and may your dreams all come true. Happy Birthday.


Happy birthday! You are only young once so enjoy it to the fullest. Time passes way to fast and you don’t get these years back.


Happy birthday! I hope you have the best bday! Be happy and keep that beautiful smile you have.


Zapraszamy do stworzonego przez nas atrakcyjnego portalu, na którym prezentujemy gotowe wzory życzeń urodzinowych. Polecamy zabawne, wywołujące uśmiech na twarzy wierszyki, które świetnie nadają się jako świąteczne sms-y lub wiadomości elektroniczne. Na naszej stronie publikujemy również inne życzenia bożonarodzeniowe i wielkanocne, a także z okazji urodzin, imienin, Dnia Matki lub Dnia Ojca. Jesteśmy najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla wszystkich, którzy nie lubią łamać sobie głowy nad treścią składanych życzeń.Nasza firma zajmuje się tworzeniem stron internetowych. Naszym ostatnim osiągnięciem jest portal, na którym znajdują się przykładowe teksty życzeń na różne okazje. Prezentujemy głównie życzenia świąteczne- bożonarodzeniowe, noworoczne i wielkanocne. Zabawne wierszyki, które najczęściej przyjmują formę sms-ów, wysyłanych do rodziny i znajomych. Na stronie znajdują się również propozycje życzeń bardziej oficjalnych, a nawet wywołujących wzruszenie. Są to życzenia z okazji urodzin, imienin, czy Dnia Matki.